Sunday, July 15, 2007

reunion: cooking & cleaning teams

So I had this thought that for the reunion it would be good to try to distribute cooking and cleaning responsibilities more or less equally among the participants. My suggested plan is that we presume that there will be one big shared meal each day that we're there, and that a team of 4-5 people should be responsible for cooking or cleaning each day.

To that end, I divided everyone up into cooking and cleaning teams for the days Sunday through Friday (assuming that both Saturdays will be too hectic to get everyone all together). I tried to account for people leaving early, to the extent that I'm aware of your plans. I also tried to make sure that no one cooks with any person who is also on his or her cleaning team; that the teams include people from different immediate families, people of different generations, and those who do not see each other often; that no one cooks and cleans on the same day; and no team has more than one person under age 16.

We can figure out later what time of day is most practical for a group meal, and people are welcome to trade teams if they've got other activities on a particular day; I assume that once we're all there it will be easy to negotiate such trades. If I've included anyone who isn't coming, or failed to include anyone who is coming, please let me know. People age 2 and under are exempt.

So... drumroll please... here's the chart:

Sunday cooks: Big Rae, Megan, Terra, Cameron
Sunday cleaners: Tom, Nell, Derek, Sonia

Monday cooks: Cary, Reuben, Andy, Isaac, Nell
Monday cleaners: Granny, Megan, Pam, Miguel

Tuesday cooks: Stephen, Derek, Tamara, Heather
Tuesday cleaners: Jane, Reuben, Terra, Carroll

Wednesay cooks: Granny, Stu, Carroll, T
Wednesday cleaners: Tamara, Stephen, Andy, Sadie

Thursday cooks: Pam, Tom, Heather, Olmy
Thursday cleaners: Stu, Little Rae, Big Rae, Isaac

Friday cooks: Sadie, Sonia, Miguel, Jane
Friday cleaners: Cary, Olmy, Little Rae, T, Cameron

Like I said, this is just a starting point and you are all welcome to trade teams at will, sort of like family reunion draft day. I just thought it would be good to go into the week with a bit of a plan in place. If anyone has special dishes they'd like to cook, don't forget to bring your recipes!

Love, Sadie

Monday, July 9, 2007

Pasky's Blog

For anyone who is interested, Pascale's blog of her Berlin adventure is located at:

She is updating every few days.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

eating and surfing

Hello from Avery and Bea in Vermont! Here is a picture of us sitting at Nell's table trying out some new food. It's all so new and exciting! We are looking forward to meeting everybody real soon. Oh, and we want to learn to surf like Pascale and Isaac.
Bye bye!