Wednesday, August 8, 2007


hey everyone that took pics-- i have a ton and wanted to put together the good ones on a cd and send that out to everyone-- but i'd love to have all pics for a fuller reunion representation! would you (those that took pics) mind sending me a cd of the good ones and i'll make a composite?! the sooner the better for me (will be leaving around the 20th or before..)-- just use nell and stephen's address: 1357 lewis creek rd, charlotte, vt 05445


1 comment:

Terra said...

Rae, I'm sorry I haven't gotten my pictures in the mail to you yet. I first have to remember to buy some cds. I'm afraid I'm going to miss your Aug 20 departure. What should the back-up plan be? I'm sorry I'm being so slow on this when you're willing to take on such a great project.